A 1-day equine retreat to set your intentions for the new year

Thrive in 2025

Retreats: Thrive in 2025

Reconnect, Realign, Renew: Set your intentions for an inspired new year

Kickstart your year with clarity and purpose. Join us for a transformative one-day retreat in nature, where you'll connect with like-minded souls guided by the wisdom of horses and an experienced transformation coach. Reflect on your dreams, align with your highest purpose, and uncover the path to achieving your goals. Make this the year you thrive.

Why horses?

Horses are perfect partners for this deep inner exploration. They are highly intuitive creatures, understanding our emotions, intentions, and energy with remarkable accuracy and providing us with immediate, unfiltered feedback. They offer a profound opportunity for self-reflection, embodying presence, emotional healing, and growth as a leader and as a human—all in a beautiful outdoor setting away from your inbox, everyday habits, and routines.

What to expect

Time to reflect

In the rush of daily life—juggling work, family, and countless responsibilities—our personal dreams and goals often take a backseat. As another year slips by, our ambitions remain unfulfilled, overshadowed by the demands of our busy lives. This retreat is designed to offer you a dedicated space to step away from the hustle, reconnect with your true aspirations, and refocus on what truly matters to you.

Focus & Community

Join an exclusive retreat limited to just 6 participants. This intimate and focused setting will allow you to connect deeply with a community of like-minded individuals, fostering meaningful conversations and personal growth.

A day out in nature

Experience a transformative day outdoors at the inspiring Red Velvet Ranch. Surrounded by natural beauty, you’ll engage with the ranch's wonderful horses, whose unfiltered feedback will help you explore your questions in a fun and playful setting. Let the peaceful environment and these intuitive animals guide your journey of self-discovery.

Cultivate your vision

Guided by a skilled equine coaching facilitator, you’ll participate in exercises with horses that explore what really matters to you, envision your ideal outcome, how you show up and how you can get closer to your goals in a grounded, clear, embodied way.

Explore What’s Holding You Back

Identifying your vision is only the first step; understanding the obstacles that could stand in your way is crucial for success. During this retreat, you'll not only uncover potential barriers but also experiment with different strategies to overcome them. At the end of the day, you'll be equipped with approaches and confidence to achieve your goals with clarity and purpose.

Leave with clarity and direction

By the end of the retreat, you'll walk away with a personalized roadmap to your vision: a clear, actionable goal aligned with your life mission, insights into overcoming potential obstacles, and defined steps to bring your vision to life.

Event Details



Early Bird tickets:

Sunday, 26 January 2025

10 AM - 4:30 PM

Red Velvet Ranch, Acton, CA

$ 249

($100 savings before Fall Equinox 9/22)

Lunch is provided


  • No experience with horses is required. Your Equus Coach and equine partner are highly experienced and will help you navigate the entire session, regardless of your experience level. All of the activities take place on the ground in the pasture, round pen, or arena. You will not be riding the horses.

  • You will be doing activities with the horses that are designed to elicit specific learning objectives or awareness-building. The activities require no specific skills or experience, but all are hands-on and interactive. There is no right or wrong way for the equine coaching experience to play out. Individuals have unique experiences based on their intentions for the session, along with what they are drawn to doing with the horse.

  • It's not uncommon to be afraid of large animals, and that’s OK! Safety is very important to us, and we’ll start our day with a safety demonstration. We will always go at a pace that is comfortable for you. Even if you decide not to get close to the horses, you may be surprised to find that you still experience the benefits. Physical contact with the horse is optional.

  • This workshop will be held outside and interactions with the horses are usually in a sandy arena and require some moving around on uneven ground at the stables. Opportunities to sit down are provided. Talk to us if you have questions, concerns or special requirements to consider.

  • We will be outside for the day, so bring appropriate layers and wear something comfortable.

    Choose clothing and shoes that you don’t mind getting a little dusty.

    Always wear closed-toed shoes and no sandals, please!

    A hat and sunscreen.

  • Water bottle

    Closed-toe shoes are required

    Pre-work (if relevant)

    Journal and a pen

    Your phone if you want to take pictures

    An open heart and mind

  • All activities at the ranch for the day are included.
    A short pre-work questionnaire to make the most of the day.
    Light snacks and water.
    We will provide a packed lunch.

    Please note, there are no stores nearby. Please bring along any additional food/beverages you may enjoy on the day. There is no coffee facility!

Join us for a transformative day with horses in nature to reconnect, realign, and renew. Set your intentions for an empowered 2025!

Let’s talk about your goals

Do you have a question? Ready to focus on your dreams?
Let’s chat! We’re here to help.